GCTE Committee
GTC Georgia Committee for Trauma Excellence (GCTE) Meeting
Georgia Trauma Commission (GTC) Georgia Committee for Trauma Excellence (GCTE) Meeting
Attachments (under Related Files below):
A. FY2022 and FY2023 PBP Summary
B. FY 2023 PBP Criteria
C. Georgia Trauma Foundation Continuing Education Database Information Form and QR code.
D. 2022 ArborMetrix Update
E. MOU for STN Electronic Library
F. Injury Prevention and Outreach Summary
G. GCTE Subcommittee Goals
Action Items:
- Provide FY2024 PBP recommendations by September 30 to [email protected] with cc. to [email protected]. Jesse and Katie will work together to collate and provide to Liz and GTC for consideration (see attachments re. PBP for reference)
- If certified to teach, coordinate, or direct the listed courses on the GTF continuing education form (attached), please turn in to [email protected]
- The electronic form link: https://augusta.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6rHDhnWsJwrXGTk?Q_CHL=qr
- Complete the attached MOU for the STN Electronic Library if you are interested in receiving these slides. Send completed to attachment to [email protected]. * As a reminder, these are only available for trauma centers.
- Please share any transfer follow up letter process to Kelli Vaughn, [email protected]
- If you are interested in joining one of the Injury Prevention Task Forces, please use the following link: www.surveymonkey.com/r/InjuryPreventionTaskForces
- Reach out to Karen Hust, [email protected], if you are interested in more information about the Registry Partners (RP) program.
- Please send Vice-Chair nominations or interests to Jesse Gibson, [email protected], and Tracy Johns, [email protected].
- Next GCTE meeting will be 11/16/22, 2pm-4pm in Macon, meeting location to be confirmed. Meeting information can be found on the https://trauma.georgia.gov/ with option to add to your calendar. Please check the website for event updates!
- If you are interesting in helping plan a small network dinner after the 11/16/22 meeting, please reach out to Jesse Gibson, [email protected]
10 a.m. - 12 p.m.