Georgia Trauma Commission Bleeding Control Kit Program

STOP THE BLEED® is a public education initiative developed by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma (ACS COT) to teach life-saving bleeding control techniques inspired by military experiences and driven by the critical need for rapid emergency response. The program emerged from lessons learned in military conflicts where tourniquets proved vital and was shaped by the ACS COT EMS subcommittee's findings on the benefits of early intervention. The curriculum, initially for law enforcement, evolved into the Bleeding Control Basic (B-CON) course, which has been available to the public since 2014. The tragic events of the Sandy Hook shooting further underscored the importance of empowering bystanders, leading to the Hartford Consensus and the widespread adoption of STOP THE BLEED®.

 In March 2017, the Georgia Trauma Commission launched a campaign to provide bleeding control kits and training to key staff in every Georgia public school and bus. This program gained national attention and was replicated by other states. To date, 99% of all Georgia public schools and 92% of public school buses have completed training and received bleeding control kits from the Georgia Trauma Commission. The success of this program was largely due to volunteers from trauma centers, EMS, fire departments, and other agencies ensuring training for their community.

 As of August 2022, the GTC approved an expanded project allowing additional governmental organizations to apply for bleeding control kits based on regional needs. Regional Trauma Advisory Committees (RTAC) have guided distribution and training. Over 50,000 kits have been distributed across the state, and tens of thousands have been trained in bleeding control techniques.

Georgia Trauma Commission Bleeding Control Kit Program has resulted in:

  • 52,374 kits distributed
  • 99% of public schools have received bleeding control kits
  • 92% of school buses have received bleeding control kits
  • 55% of Georgia counties have benefited from the expanded project

Contact Region's RTAC Coordinator

The Georgia Trauma Commission contracts with RTAC Coordinators to assist with the Stop the Bleed Program


If you are interested in taking a virtual STOP THE BLEED® course, please visit:

Otherwise, any interested organization, public or private, is welcome to request in-person training. Our Bleeding Control Kit Program and RTAC Coordinators will do their best to organize training at your organization or provide you with the tools or connections to ensure training is completed.

Stop the Bleed Training Course

If you are interested in the Stop the Bleed training program for your school, church, or business, you can request our course.

GTC Bleeding Control Kit Recipients

In order of priority:

  1. Public K-12 Schools
  2. Public K-12 School Buses
  3. Other Public Education Institutions
  4. Law Enforcement
  5. Government Agencies

GTC Kit Recipient Requirements

  • All participating organizations must be trained in STOP THE BLEED. RTAC Coordinators provide free STOP THE BLEED training to any interested organization.
  • Each Georgia public school system or district should train the maximum amount of school bus drivers, substitute drivers, and assistant drivers, as possible. After the training has been completed, the system or district will be awarded the appropriate amount of Georgia Trauma Commission Bleeding Control kits based upon the school bus count in each individual system or district. 
  • Organizations should have at minimum ten (10) staff members trained in STOP THE BLEED prior to kit distribution.
  • Organizations must sign a Participation Agreement for training or kit distribution. 

Bleeding Control Kit Application Period

To help with demand and kit distribution. The Georgia Trauma Commission will have Kit Application Periods for qualifying organizations. Please click the link to learn more and apply.

Purchase Option Information

We offer training to any interested organization, however non-qualifying organizations or previous recipients can purchase their own kits. 

STOP THE BLEED Instructors

Healthcare providers including physicians, nurses, paramedics, EMTs, and first responders are all eligible to teach the Stop the Bleed Course. Simply log in to the Stop the Bleed website and register as an instructor. This will provide you with access to the most up to date information and training materials.