September 29, 2023
FY 2024 EMS Trauma Equipment Grant CLOSED
Thank you for all that applied for the FY 2024 EMS Trauma Equipment Grant. The application is closed. For reference, you can find the initial details below.
The Georgia Trauma Commission (GTC) is offering a grant award opportunity for the FY 2024 funding cycle to purchase trauma-related equipment to equip 911-response ambulances. The EMS Committee of the GTC approved a total allocation of $1,123,932.44 for this grant. The Department of Public Health, Office of EMS and Trauma (DPH OEMST) determines the vehicle counts per 911-zone provider. The FY 2024 total vehicle count is 1,508, which will provide up to $745.31, per ambulance (Attachment D). If you observe a discrepancy in the number of 911 ambulances for your agency, please advise us, and we will coordinate with DPH OEMST and the GTC EMS Committee and may be able to adjust the counts in future grant opportunities.
Funds must be used by the GRANTEE to purchase equipment on one or more of the following GTC EMS Committee-approved lists (Attachment C): 1. GTC EMS Committee-approved list; 2. Georgia DPH OEMST ground ambulance vehicle inspection form (v2.00 08/01/2022); 3. 2020 Joint Position Statement. If your agency requests equipment not listed on the approved purchase lists provided, please complete the Special Equipment Request Form and submit it to [email protected] no later than October 11, 2023.
Completed grant applications (Attachment A) must be submitted, along with a notarized affidavit (Attachment B), to [email protected] on or before October 31, 2023. Applications received after this date will be returned to the sender. The GTC will submit Approved applications to the Georgia Department of Public Health Accounts Payable. Grantees should receive payment before 30 November 2023. During the course of the grant cycle, the GTC will notify agencies of their grant application status (receipt of application, approval for payment, and final payment details). We look forward to serving the EMS community with this grant award opportunity. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the GTC office at [email protected].
Notice | Signed Application Packet with All Attachments
Fillable Application | Attachments A and B (due October 31, 2023)
Special Equipment Request Form (due October 11, 2023, if requesting unlisted equipment)