Georgia Trauma Commission

Georgia Trauma Commission

Dedicated to improving the health of injured Georgians by ensuring access to quality trauma care, coordinating key trauma system components, and educating trauma care providers access the multidisciplinary continuum.

GTC Registry Start-Up Grant OPEN

The Georgia Trauma Commission (GTC) is encouraging aspiring trauma centers to apply for a new start-up grant to support costs associated with acquiring ESO Solutions software. 

Updates and Upcoming Meetings

FY 2025 PBP Approved

FY 2025 PBP criteria was approved by the full Commission on November 16, 2023. You can review the FY 2025 criteria by clicking the download button. FY 2025 criteria will be included in FY 2025 contracts-- to be released in June 2024.

Bleeding Control Kit Application

To help with demand and kit distribution. The Georgia Trauma Commission will have Kit Application Periods for qualifying organizations. Please click the link to learn more and apply!


Save the Date: GQIP 2024 Spring Meeting

The February GQIP Winter Meeting has transitioned to May GQIP Spring Meeting. Please click the link for dates and required attendees.

ACS Georgia Full Trauma Systems and Rural-Focused Consultative Visit

The 2023 ACS final report is out! Please visit our website for more updates on the next steps.