April 15, 2024

GTC Registry Start-Up Grant OPEN

The Georgia Trauma Commission (GTC) is encouraging aspiring trauma centers to apply for a new start-up grant to support costs associated with acquiring ESO Solutions software. Prospective trauma centers must concurrently collect a minimum of one year of trauma registry data in preparation for trauma center designation. All Georgia-designated trauma centers also must use ESO Solutions trauma registry software and participate in the Georgia Quality Improvement Program (GQIP) to meet eligibility for GTC funding. The GTC implemented a three-year grant with associated deliverables designed to aid candidate trauma centers in achieving trauma center designation. 

Registry Start-up Grant Deliverables

Registry Start-Up Grant Letter of Intent

To begin the grant process, a hospital administrator ("C-Suite-level" leader with financial decision-making authority) from the center must complete a letter of intent through the DocuSign.

After receiving the letter of intent, the GTC will send the grant application via email. We are excited to be able to provide funding to potential trauma centers with this grant award opportunity. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the GTCNC office by email at [email protected] or by telephone at (706) 841-2800; we are happy to assist in this process.